ride right from the start

horse simulator

Learning horseback riding is a complex cognitive process that requires active training and practice, especially in the beginning. The better the rider controls their own body the better it reflects on horse riding. This is especially a problem when the hobby is started at an adult age.

Incorrect riding technique, for example, wrong position or poor posture, can cause painful problems for both the rider and the horse. Moreover, horseback riding is an expensive hobby and is regarded as a dangerous and not-easy-to-start sport because of the dangers resulting from the unpredictable behavior of the horse. Therefore, a riding simulator on which a person can learn the basics of horse riding correctly and safely would be beneficial

Marketing & differentiation

Other way to look at the horse simulator is as a marketing tool. A horse simulator is a tool for horse riders that greatly enhances the equestrian lifestyle. Existing solutions on the market lack realistic movement due to low power and don’t resemble a realistic horse gait motion.

Stables and schools around the world need to attract users and new members to keep the business going and provide their loyal customers with the best & premium service. Differentiation and competition can sometimes be especially high and in some cases, new customers might be interested to start horse riding if something different is available. 

Some riders are also busy and have to drive out of the city for the first riding lesson, whereas the horse simulator could be positioned in the city environment and that way open up more possibilities for horse riding. Of course, the enjoyment of travelling to the countryside is one of the experiences. 

Maria test user smiling during simulator testing

equine market size & opportunity

Equestrian market

Total equestrian business sector is valued at roughly 300 billion dollars globally, US is biggest market, and EU, the second-largest at 100 billion. Some sources state that UK is the biggest market and the EU leading area. In America, there are over 9 million horses, which are owned by 2 million persons of which over 13% has an annual income of 150 000$ or more. In Europe, British riding society is an interesting market as there are lots of horse riders and the biggest EU horse market of 1.2 million horses owned by 446 000 persons.

Scalability of the business is quite good, from manufacturing activities and exporting to creation of gaming environment and separate tailoring for different applications. In Finland horse schools already utilize simulators in their teaching and use simulator for marketing purposes. Stables requirement is for development of school riding training simulation, which would improve chances for competing in horse riding contests, when rider could learn beforehand the track