About FlowGait

FlowGait was founded in October 2021 with aim to commercialize academic research results achieved from various research projects. Research projects were carried out by LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences. The main project results for commercialization were discovered during research project Horzim. Horzim was a 2-year Business Finland-funded research project which ended in 2021. Aim of the project was to research market potential and technical possibilities for novel motion platform. You can read more about the Horzim project here.

Our team has decades of industrial robotics experience and already multiple years of experience working on the novel motion platform. Our vision is to develop the platform to be very versatile and include smart coaching analysis methods to promote horse welfare and also add an advanced gaming environment around the platform.

FlowGait’s main activity is to introduce the equine industry with the novel motion platform developed for horse riding purposes. We are currently looking for multiple business opportunities for cooperation as well as investment possibilities.


If you are interested in our simulator, Let's talk more! We are developing next generation simulator and would really like to hear your thoughts! 


FlowGait co-founders

Publications about simulator concept